České Budějovice  |  Olomouc  |  Pardubice


Hello, my name is Adéla.

I was born under the sign of Scorpio, and I enjoy being surrounded by content and smiling people. I understand the importance of mutual understanding, communication, respect, and tolerance. And it is precisely in tantra that all of these elements come together and merge. I find its philosophy fascinating, as it allows me to awaken and cultivate positive energy in others and see how it fulfills them. It has the power to relax both the body and the soul. Come and indulge yourself in an atmosphere of deep trust, experiencing sensual and intense moments, exciting touches, relaxation, and pleasant relaxation.

Service offer

What can I offer you?

Tantric massage

Introduction to Tantra

For men

60 mins

2300 Czk

Mantra Massage

For men

120 mins

3500 Czk

Mantra Massage

Für Frauen

120 mins

3500 Czk

Basic tantric ritual

For men

90 mins

2800 Czk

Basic tantric ritual

For couples

90 mins

4600 Czk

Basic tantric ritual

For women

90 mins

2800 Czk

Divine massage

For men

150 mins

4200 Czk

A divine massage

For couples

150 mins

6600 Czk

Divine massage

For women

150 mins

4200 Czk

Tantra Mantra

For couples

120 mins

5600 Czk

Comprehensive Care Massage

For men

180 mins

4900 Czk

Comprehensive Care Massage

For couples

180 mins

7600 Czk

Care Massage

For women

180 mins

4900 Czk

More-handed massages

Four-handed massage

For men

90 mins

4000 Czk

Four-handed massage

For women

90 mins

4000 Czk

Four-handed massage

For women

120 mins

5100 Czk

Four-handed massage

For men

120 mins

5100 Czk

Four-handed massage

For men

150 mins

6100 Czk

Four-handed massage

For women

150 mins

6100 Czk

Six or more hand massage

For men

90 mins

5300 Czk

Six or more hand massage

For women

90 mins

5300 Czk

Complementary care

Contact Massage

For men

500 Czk

Contact Massage

For women

500 Czk

Hot Stone Massage

Relaxation Massage

400 Czk

Experiential Lingam Massage

For men

500 Czk

Experience Massage Yoni

For women

500 Czk

Healing and Pleasure of the Rosebud

For men

500 Czk

Healing and Pleasure of the Rosebud

For women

500 Czk

Aromatherapy - chakra healing

Relaxation massage

500 Czk

Relaxing massages

Massage for individuals

For individuals

60 mins

1000 Czk

Couples relaxation massages

For couples

60 mins

1500 Czk

Massage for individuals.

For individuals

90 mins

1500 Czk

Couples relaxation massages

For couples

90 mins

2250 Czk

Massage for individuals.

For individuals

120 mins

2100 Czk

Couples relaxation massages

For couples

120 mins

3300 Czk

Individual course

Individual course

8 hours

8000 Czk

Couples course

Couples course

8 hours

12,000 Czk

Listed dates

What dates are available for booking?

June 7, 2024
June 20, 2024
June 24, 2024

Sleva na tantrické masáže

Speciální akce

Sleva 300 Kč

na tantrické masáže!

Využijte naši slevu 300 Kč na všechny tantrické masáže!

Prázdninová sleva na masáž: Získejte 300 Kč Slevu na Masáž!

Milí zákazníci,

Využijte naši slevu 300 Kč na Tantrickou masáž. Sleva se vztahuje pouze na masáže 120 minut a delší.


Sleva ve výši 300 Kč platí pouze pro rezervace 3 - 7 července . Nabídka se vztahuje pouze na rezervace na daný dny a není možné ji využít pro termíny rezervované na pozdější datum.

Jak slevu využít?
Během rezervace v našem on-line systému napište do poznámky SLEVA 300, anebo nám napište SLEVA 300 během rezervace do e-mailu. Pokud se rezervujete telefonicky, nahlaste nám tento kód během hovoru.

Booking the date

Write to us with a request for a date.

Tantra jako životní styl a poslání

Hledáme nové tantrické masérky