Olomouc  |  Pardubice


Tantra is a transformative path of self-development, a gateway to harmony, exploration of the unknown, and a combination of meditation and ritual. It is about relaxation and conscious work with the body, energy, and sexuality. In tantra, there is no single goal; it is a conscious journey that we will embark on together.

From the moment you arrive, everything unfolds in a safe and pleasant environment where each of us can express ourselves, relax, and accept ourselves as we are. After an initial conversation where we get to know each other, we will determine the intention of the massage. I am guided by my intuition as well as learned practices and techniques. Our time together during the massage will be a meditation, being present in the here and now. Feel loved, energized, and guided. It will be an honor for me to lead you on this path, to warm your soul, and work on the boundaries between the body and mind. I welcome anyone who seeks deep relaxation not only on a physical but also on a psychological level. Tantra allows me to find paths to naturalness and extraordinariness.

Among other things, it has helped me change my approach to myself and the people around me. It teaches us to accept ourselves, to love ourselves, and to love others.

Service offer

What can I offer you?

Tantric massage

Introduction to Tantra

For men

60 mins

2300 Czk

Mantra Massage

For men

120 mins

3500 Czk

Basic tantric ritual

For men

90 mins

2800 Czk

Divine massage

For men

150 mins

4200 Czk

Comprehensive Care Massage

For men

180 mins

4900 Czk

Complementary care

Contact Massage

For men

500 Czk

Hot Stone Massage

Relaxation Massage

400 Czk

Experiential Lingam Massage

For men

500 Czk

Relaxing massages

Massage for individuals

For individuals

60 mins

1000 Czk

Massage for individuals.

For individuals

90 mins

1500 Czk

Massage for individuals.

For individuals

120 mins

2100 Czk

Listed dates

What dates are available for booking?

July 1, 2024
July 22, 2024
July 23, 2024
July 15, 2024
July 16, 2024
July 17, 2024

I'm not currently massaging.

Sleva na tantrické masáže

Speciální akce

Sleva 300 Kč

na tantrické masáže!

Využijte naši slevu 300 Kč na všechny tantrické masáže!

Prázdninová sleva na masáž: Získejte 300 Kč Slevu na Masáž!

Milí zákazníci,

Využijte naši slevu 300 Kč na Tantrickou masáž. Sleva se vztahuje pouze na masáže 120 minut a delší.


Sleva ve výši 300 Kč platí pouze pro rezervace 3 - 7 července . Nabídka se vztahuje pouze na rezervace na daný dny a není možné ji využít pro termíny rezervované na pozdější datum.

Jak slevu využít?
Během rezervace v našem on-line systému napište do poznámky SLEVA 300, anebo nám napište SLEVA 300 během rezervace do e-mailu. Pokud se rezervujete telefonicky, nahlaste nám tento kód během hovoru.

Booking the date

Write to us with a request for a date.

Tantra jako životní styl a poslání

Hledáme nové tantrické masérky