Ever since I first touched Tantra, I knew it would become a part of my life. It has been and still is a journey of transformation, shedding old habits, and seeing life with greater freedom. Tantra has become a path to wholeness, balance, and experiencing life with greater openness and love.
I have primarily received education in Tantra from Czech teachers. Currently, I am enrolled in a course on de-armoring and full-body orgasm led by Andrew Barnes.
Tantric massage can offer us new horizons, change our approach to our sexuality, and life in general. In my work, I appreciate that it can touch not only our physical bodies but also the very subtle parts of our being. Therefore, I invite you to explore this path together with me.
Here's what someone said about me:
"Dear Ella,
I am very grateful for my first tantric massage with you. Everything was perfectly harmonized with me... the cozy space, the music, your immensely sensitive and receptive approach. I felt so safe that I could completely let go of control, release all my feelings, and allow myself to fully feel and perceive only myself. Thanks to this experience, I realized the limitations I create for myself in intimacy with men. Thank you for such a close touch with myself.
Info: I offer elements of conscious BDSM only for massages from 90 minutes onwards and to clients who have already experienced a tantric massage with me.
Service offer
What can I offer you?
Tantric massage
More-handed massages
Complementary care
Relaxing massages
Contact Us
Studio Pardubice
Studio Olomouc
Write to us
Write to us to request a date, or call us directly.
Sleva na tantrické masáže
Speciální akce
Sleva 350 Kč
na tantrické masáže!
Prázdninová sleva na masáž: Získejte 350 Kč Slevu na Masáž!
Milí zákazníci,
Využijte naši slevu 350 Kč na Tantrickou masáž. Sleva se vztahuje pouze na masáže 90 minut a delší.
Sleva ve výši 350 Kč platí pouze pro rezervace 31 srpna a 1,2 září . Nabídka se vztahuje pouze na rezervace na daný dny a není možné ji využít pro termíny rezervované na pozdější datum.
Jak slevu využít?
Během rezervace v našem on-line systému napište do poznámky SLEVA 350, anebo nám napište SLEVA 350 během rezervace do e-mailu. Pokud se rezervujete telefonicky, nahlaste nám tento kód během hovoru.
Booking the date
Write to us with a request for a date.
Tantra jako životní styl a poslání
Hledáme nové tantrické masérky